Signing and verifying a string with Crypto++

This small example shows how to verify the integrity of a message. We follow the digital signature algorithm (DSA) and generate a pair of keys, private and public (the public key is actually not unique). We get the signature by signing the message with the private key (which should never …

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How to store anything in Boost PropertyTree

One of the fundamental data structures in information processing is the tree, to model hierarchical data. Although we have many standardized containers in C++, a tree structure is still missing. Of course, there are several different libraries which provide this feature in different facets. For my current work I am …

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Boost Graph: Components of a directed graph

This article describes a small workaround for a "shortcoming" of Boost Graph. My situation is the following: Given a directed graph, I want to display just the component containing a special node. Technically speaking I'm looking for the connected component containing a special node. Although Boost Graph comes with plenty …

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Boost Spirit Qi: Position tracking during parsing

Usually we use a tool like Boost Spirit Qi to retrieve information from a source file. However, in some situations (like building a syntax highlighter) that is not enough and we also need some meta data about the information. This short article will describe a convenient way to get additionally …

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